Astute Theory Platform
Link Your XERO or MYOB
Our XERO or MYOB integration allows you to have an easy to use interface that is directly linked into your accounting software

Client Details
Here are the client details that are pulled from either XERO or MYOB
Line Items
Add in your line items that will automatically pull through pricing, tax codes and related products
Stock Levels
View your stock levels while you are creating a quote, sales order or pruchase order.
Invoice Status
Select the invoice status that is to be pushed through to XERO or MYOB
Pushed to XERO or MYOB
Once you have filled our the related information you can click the confirm button to push the data to XERO or MYOB

Stock Item
Select if the item is stocked or a digital product or service
Tax Code
Create multiple tax codes that relate to your product or service
Pricing Groups
Adjust the pricing of a product based on the clients segment type
Related Products
Automatically link products that need to be purchased in groups
Default Pricing
Create default pricing for your product or service